Saturday, November 10, 2007

This Week Is How We Rocked It. . .


{A fan from way back brought in his battle weary Brooklyn TMX for a revamp in preparation for a weekend at Plattekill, host of the USAC Gravity East Finals}. . .

{Austin Horse,our wayward son,returned from the City of Broad Shoulders with a dire need for a haircut and a chance to lace up his new profile fixed hubs to some DT Swiss nipples and a pair of Deep Vs}. . .


Philly crew booked a chinaton bus to New York to wrap up shooting for the bootleg sessions, a grassroots video project of the most laid back riders across the country including BROOKLYN gangsta track rider, Tom Lamarche. FYI, Tom rocks because he's is pulling this shiz riding fixed, he's only 17, his girlfriend is cute, and his bike is fly. Live it up,Philly! Life is never going to be greater than now.}